McClennen featured at Der Spiegel conference
McClennen lectured on “Satire in the age of Trump” at a reporter workshop for Der Spiegel in Hamburg in May 2017.
McClennen interviewed with WZBC Radio News in Boston.
I talked with John Grebe with WZBC Boston about the future of the DNC on July 23.
McClennen to Keynote in Sheffield.
I will be speaking on debts and rights at The Interdisciplinary Centre of the Social Sciences (ICoSS) in Sheffield on September 12.
McClennen featured on Watching the Hawks
Author, teacher, and lecturer Sophia McClennen entered the Hawk’s Nest on April 13, 2017 to help navigate the intersection of satire, news, and politics. Just how has the art of satire in the United States changed in the age of President Trump. Watch the clip here. {: .present-before-paste}
McClennen interviewed on SIRIUS XM.
McClennen interviewed on SiriusXM’s morning talk program “Stand Up with Pete Dominick” on April 19. Have a listen.
McClennen talks to Thom Hartmann about satire and Trump.
Thom Hartmann talked with guest Sophia McClennen on the many benefits and uses of satire–especially in the Trump era. {: .present-before-paste}
McClennen Interview for Group Therapy
McClennen interviewed for XRAY FM on satire and Trump. Have a listen.
McClennen on BBC Scotland
McClennen interview on satire in the Trump era for BBC Scotland. Have a listen here
Kennedy Center Podcast
You can listen to the Redacted Tonight Podcast from the Kennedy Center with Reggie Watts, Redacted Tonight comedians, and Sophia McClennen here.

McClennen at the Kennedy Center
McClennen to be interviewed during the Redacted Tonight Podcast, a radically hard-hitting satirical political exploration hosted by Lee Camp and featuring John F. O’Donnell. Part of the Kennedy Center Comedy festival. June 25, 2016.