Don’t worry, be cynical: Why the fear of a nation of critical skeptics is overblown
Yes, Trump is making us all cynical. But that’s not likely to destroy our social fabric or political engagement. Read more to learn why.

Donald Trump and the media: The problem isn’t too much coverage — it’s how this president is covered
it;s not that we cover Trump too much–it’s that so much coverage doesn’t get it right. Read more about how the news media needs to do a better job.

Congratulations, graduates! Now get ready to work for free
Unpaid work is going mainstream, and it’s spreading fast

How Sinclair is Taking Over Local News
Sinclair is positioning themselves to have massive influence in politics — and the left is letting them do it

The gift Jerry Fallwell gave us: The right to make fun of Donald Trump
It’s the 30th anniversary of the SCOTUS decision that ruled in favor of Larry Flynt and keeps Trump satire legal

The Science of Satire vs Lies: How Satire Helps the Brain
The mainstreaming of lies in the Trump era is hurting our cognitive abilities. Research says satire can save us. Read more on it here.

Startalk episode on Stephen Colbert

The Bitter Irony of Donald Trump
Donald Trump has redefined what it means to be an ironic president, and it’s not funny. Read the full piece in Salon.

How Jordan Klepper will win the Trump Era satire game
Jordan Klepper’s new show “The Opposition” is poised to be to alt-media what “The Colbert Report” was to Fox News. Read my piece on his new show here.

Enough with the "Colbert Defense"
The cry of “it was just satire” is more and more common. Why it’s on the rise and why it’s not a real defense. Read the full piece here.